ABOUT DAMN TIME: Expeditionen ins junge Figurentheater Tag 4

Die Ur Venus*, Stand-up, Pensées Nocturnes

19:00 Die Ur Venus*

*oder Ur-nicht die Venus

Ein Stück über ein Fundstück: Die Venus von Willendorf, eine blitzgescheite 30 000 Jahre alte Venusfigurine. Seit ihrer Wiederentdeckung im 20. Jahrhundert, im heutigen Niederösterreich wurde viel wurde über sie gesagt. Doch was würde sie selbst sagen, hätte sie eine Stimme und einen beweglichen Körper?

„Können Sie ja auch nicht wissen: Was mein Wille wäre und was geschehe, wenn der Wille der Willendorferin wild werden würde, nicht wahr? Aber ich verstehe schon. Irgendwer muss ja die Geschichte schreiben, nicht wahr? Nicht wahr?“

Die Beteiligten sind Studierende oder Absolvent*innen des Studiengangs Zeitgenössische Puppenspielkunst an der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch, Berlin.

  • Text, Regie, Spiel Almut Schäfer-Kubelka
  • Puppenbau, Spiel Odile Pothier
  • Spiel Gerda Pethke
  • Support, Reflexion Naemi Friedmann, Kundry Reif
  • Sounds Florian Feigl
  • Werkstätten Ingo Mewes, Simone Pätzold
  • Venus-Stimme Margret Wübbolt

20:30 Stand-up

Through art, I am looking for closeness, community, common ground, which is what brought me to the theatre. I think I chose this profession because people excite me, I like to observe and listen to their stories, I love to discuss and be with a close contact with them on the stage. My monodrama „Stand-up“ is the reception of which exceeded my wildest expectations. This time viewers have a chance to accompany the struggles of an actress in one of her toughest days ever – first time her show does not go as she’d like it to be. The monodrama is about tougher moments at the Academy and in life. This is the most important and most difficult project I have created so far. I’m very proud of it!

The performance was awarded in 2023 at the International Festival of Theatre Schools SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER in Brno in the category „Authorial acting” (Czech Republic) and won Grand Prix at International Festival of Monodrama in Tychy (Poland) in 2022.

Aleksandra Gosławska studied at the Theatre Academy of Białystok, Poland.

Five years, that's how long it took me to get into drama school. I got puppets. I do stand-up. About puppets, about acting, about myself.

  • screenplay, direction, stage movement, cast Aleksandra Gosławska 
  • artistic supervision Dr. Błażej Piotrowski
  • kind voices Magdalena Mickiewicz, Mirella Burcewicz, Piotr Gadomski, Agata Nierzwicka 
  • musical assistance Jakub Wietrzyński 

22:00 Pensées Nocturnes

Puppetic dialog between a body and its thoughts.

„La Nuit, je ne dors jamais.
La nuit, je ne dors plus.
Car la nuit, cette nuit, chaque nuit, c’est le pays des mots.
Le pays où ma parole déssechée du jour devient fleuve.
Le moment du surgissement, puis du

La nuit, c’est le moment des mots bloqués, des mots oubliés, cachés et avortés.
C’est mon incapacité à

Those words initiate Pensées noctures, a short performance of puppet and physical theatre. The protagonists are a puppet and a woman who cannot sleep. The puppet, which is a copy of the puppeteer, here embodies a consciousness, a small inner demon, who dwells on the unsaid from the day in a sleepless whirlwind, wielding the actor’s body through a reversed relationship. Who leads whom between the puppet and the puppeteer? Lines come to shape between two bodies until they
change space in a danse launched by words, which are written on big transparent tarpaulins that the puppet extracts out of the slumbering body.
When speech is impossible, what do the unsaid words become? How do they impact a body?

Mélodie Florence is a puppetry student at Centre Odradek Pupella Nogués in Toulouse, France.

  • concept, puppet, performance Mélodie Florence